South Wales Echo – City legends come out in support of Kyle’s Goal charity
HUNDREDS of football fans descended on the capital yesterday to watch Cardiff City legends face members of the public in a charity match.
Bluebirds heroes Scott Young and Andy Legg, along with world-renowned athletes Christian Malcolm and Darren Campbell, turned on the style at the Cardiff International Sports Stadium to raise money for campaign group Kyle’s Goal.
The aim of the trust fund is to raise enough money to build a designated rehabilitation centre in Wales for young adults with neurological conditions. Football-mad Kyle Beere, from St Fagans, collapsed in 2009 after complaining of a severe headache. He was placed on a life support machine and underwent two brain operations to remove blood clots. Consultants said the sporty teen’s devastating haemorrhage was caused by arteriovenous malformations (AVM), a rare condition in which blood vessels rupture. Despite fears over his future, Kyle defied the odds to survive – and lead both teams onto the pitch yesterday.
Mum Kath Simmons said: “Kyle really enjoyed it – it was fantastic to have so many Cardiff City legends turn up to play. It will defi-nitely help to boost the pro-file of Kyle’s Goal.”
Members of the public were invited to bid for their place in the Kyle’s Goal starting XI, giving them the unique chance to square off against their sporting idols.
Between 400 and 500 spectators turned up to cheer on both sets of players, but it was the Cardiff City Legends side who came out on top 3-1. David Owen, 31, from St Fagans, said it was a joy to play against his City heroes. He said: “I’m Cardiff born and bred so to play against such legends was fantastic. I’m quite glad we were able to put on a spectacle and hold our own against former professionals. It was actually a really good match-up. Everybody in the crowd seemed to really enjoy it.”
The family set up Kyle’s Goal in January 2010 after discovering there were no paediatric rehabilitation centres anywhere in Wales, or the South West of England, to deal with children’s brain injuries.
Because Cardiff’s Rookwood Hospital only accepts patients over 16 years old, the family’s nearest centre is 160 miles away in Tadworth, Surrey.
Former Cardiff City FC legend Damon Searle said: “We held a similar same match in 2010 and raised PS7,000, but now we want it to be about getting that help for all young adults in Wales, not just Kyle.”
An after party was held in Miss Jones, Whitchurch.

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